Working loves Living

The future of working and living in Schalkwijk

Work no longer takes place in isolated office buildings in mono-functional business parks. For this competition we formulated a transformation vision for the combined working and living environment of the future for Schalkwijk-Midden in Haarlem.

Working loves Living is a transformation vision for a possible work environment of the future. In the plan workplaces are integrated into the residential fabric with small flexible units. The concept reconnects an vacant island of abandoned office buildings with its neighborhood through physical connections but also has a strong focus on social durability aspects. Work of the future no longer takes place in isolated office buildings but is an integrated part of residential life.

The key of the design is the element of surprise: adding unexpected third places and activities to our everyday home-work routine. Small units are combined in one building to support serendipitous encounters within the building and in the public space.


Team: Joost van der Doelen, Georgia Ion, Chris Steenhuis
Location: Haarlem, The Netherlands

Date: December 2016
Organizer: Young BNSP