Ribbons of Mingdong

Workshop child-responsive urban planning

Young planning professionals workshop that was held 26-30 August 2019 in Ningbo on the topic of child-friendly cities. Aim of the workshop was to define a socio-spatial concept and regeneration plan for the child-friendly development of the Mingdong community, a typical late ‘80’s neighborhood in Ningbo. The project included participative design from children of the local community.

Pictures taken during the workshop where local children helped us with the design
Ribbon concept that connects places important to children with a car-free route

The concept of our proposal is a ribbon that connects all facilities and places important to children with a car-free route. Idea is that play does not only happen in the playground, but can happen anywhere. Play begins when you step outside your door.

A route that connects places of importance for children, but also a playspace in itself

In our research we found that our case neighborhood is used by many other visiting residents of surrounding neighborhoods. Visitors come for the park, and children go to schools outside the neighborhood vice-versa. Therefor the route is not only local but operates on a district level.

The proposed plan for the Mingdong neighborhood where car movement is restricted.
The network connects to other neighborhoods making it easier for children to move

For the development three different phases are foreseen. These phases are divided in spatial and social measures. First phase is a pilot phase for a small part of the route. Second phase is the expansion of the network inside the neighborhood. In this phase the spine of the route is built. Last phase is to spread wings and the network is further expanded with branches to all streets in the neighborhood and connections to other neighborhoods are made.

Participatory framework for the socio-development of the neighborhood.

Out of the four proposals our team won the first prize. Picture: NBPI

Participants and staff ISOCARP Young Planning Professionals Workshop. Picture: NBPI

Team: Xinxin P., Yingyi H., Jie H., Wei C., Divya C., Chris Steenhuis
Location: Ningbo, China
Date: August 2019
Organizer: ISOCARP and NBPI